We provide individualized treatment to help you meet your wellness goals. However, we do receive these questions more often than others. Maybe they will help answer your concerns.
How do you diagnose low Testosterone in men?
Low Testosterone can be diagnosed if you have 3 or more of the following symptoms:
lack of libido
erectile dysfunction (ED)
loss of muscle mass
loss of stamina
hot flashes
decrease in mental acuity
loss of motivation
loss of balance
Along with these symptoms, we look for a low testosterone blood level. A man must have both symptoms and a low testosterone blood level to be a candidate for treatment.
Where are the Pellets inserted in men?
There are two places that pellets are placed in men: upper outer hip and love handles.
How long will it take for my pellets to work?
It takes about 3-5 weeks to get the full effect. Pellets must be re-inserted approximately every five to six months to prevent symptoms from reoccuring. Please keep in mind that each person's treatment is individualized.
Does testosterone cause prostate cancer?
No. The expert in prostate cancer, Dr. Morgantaler has proven that low testosterone levels contribute to prostate cancer.
Should a man who has had prostate cancer take bioidentical testosterone pellets?
Once prostate cancer has been diagnosed, the cancer cells in the prostate are completely different from the benign prostate cells that were there before, so it is recommended that men refrain from replacing testosterone if there is prostate cancer present. However if a man has had prostate cancer that is completely removed surgically, and has negative nodes (does not have any more prostate cancer cells ) Dr. Morgantaler of Harvard feels that it is then a choice to be made by the patient and his doctor. If cancer is metastasized, we don’t advise replacement of testosterone, in any form.
Should a man who has had prostate cancer take bioidentical testosterone pellets?
Once prostate cancer has been diagnosed, the cancer cells in the prostate are completely different from the benign prostate cells that were there before, so it is recommended that men refrain from replacing testosterone if there is prostate cancer present. However, if a man has had prostate cancer that is completely removed surgically, and no longer has any prostate cancer cells, Dr. Morgantaler feels that it is then a choice to be made by the patient and his doctor. If cancer is metastasized, we don’t advise replacement of testosterone, in any form.
Why are pellets better than testosterone patches, shots & pills?
The testosterone used in our pellets are the pure hormone testosterone, and it is dissolved and absorbed directly from the pellet to the blood stream. Testosterone in pellets are not immediately converted to the byproducts (Estrone/DHT), which can cause prostate swelling, hair loss, belly fat and a requirement for more and more testosterone. Pellets do not have that issue. Other forms of testosterone are delivered in a form that causes blood levels to rise and fall drastically between dosing. Pellets are dosed two to three times a year which allows blood levels to stay stable.
What if I have prostate enlargement already?
While there are occasional exceptions, testosterone pellets will usually shrink the prostate.
Will my testicles shrink while I take the testosterone pellets?
Yes, they will to some extent. Testicles shrink normally with age, as they provide less and less testosterone. As the pellets take over the supply of testosterone, testicles are not producing as much as usual, so they get smaller. This is not a permanent change, and there are medical methods to stimulate the testicular size, but it is cosmetic and not necessary to be healthy.
How long will it take for my body to get back to my lean normal self?
The answer to this includes your condition at the beginning of treatment, as well as how much you exercise, your diet, and how often you workout with weights. Without testosterone replacement this transformation would not be possible even with the perfect diet and exercise.
If I have used alcohol to excess or drugs like marijuana, will my effect be the same as other men?
No. You will use up the testosterone more quickly because your liver is activated to metabolize testosterone with the same enzymes that metabolize alcohol and drugs. Marijuana increases prolactin, the hormone that increases breast size in men and women. Prolactin not only decreases your testosterone level but decreases your sex drive, ejaculatory function and sexual stamina. It is expected that if you take testosterone, you will stop using marijuana altogether and decrease or stop alcohol consumption.
Why are testosterone pellets better than Viagra?
Testosterone fixes the real problem—lack of testosterone that decreases libido and sexual response. Viagra does not fix sexual desire issues. Viagra is only treating the symptom of ED not the other symptoms of low testosterone, and it has many side effects.
Will I still need my E.D. medicine after I get pellets?
Maybe. Most men find that they do not. However, if there is vascular compromise from arteriosclerosis or diabetes, then it is still possible that ED medicine in one form or another may be needed. Often we find that a patient’s blood pressure medicine is contributing to the problem and we advise our patients to switch to the blood pressure medication that is least likely to cause ED. In any case, if ED meds are needed, they are generally used at a lower dose.